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Scout24: New brand identity for ImmoScout24 and AutoScout24

  • Corporate strategy can now also be experienced emotionally in the brand
  • Most comprehensive redesign in the company's history
  • Modern highlighter style and fresh colours for more orientation and simplicity
  • ImmobilienScout24 is now called ImmoScout24

Munich / Berlin, 28 November 2019 - Scout24, a leading operator of digital marketplaces specialising in the real estate and automotive industries in Germany and other selected European countries, is introducing a new strong design for its brands and websites. The modern highlighter style with vibrant colours improves orientation and makes hard decisions in the areas of property, mobility and finance easy. 

Twenty years ago, anyone looking for a new apartment or a used car opened the newspaper and marked the advertisements that appeared to fit. This was the time when ImmobilienScout24 and AutoScout24 began to digitise the newspaper ads. The two marketplaces have developed strongly in recent years and have become market networks. Today, the offer goes far beyond that of the original classified portals: financing, evaluation, digital applicant portfolio, relocation service, online car purchase and Auto-Abo are examples of how both platforms make hard decisions easy for their users and partners. Because seeing your own idea become real and thus having made the right decision gives you a good feeling that remains - every time users come home or start the engine. Every time dealers sign a sales contract or agents hand over the front door key.

ImmoScout24 and AutoScout24 have been implementing the central promise of making hard decisions easy into their products for a long time already. The new design emphasises this now and at the same time reduces complexity, creates orientation and ensures clarity.

Scout24 CEO Tobias Hartmann explains: "Last July, we decided to focus even more strongly on ImmoScout24 and AutoScout24. With the new brand design, we are now consistently taking the next step and creating more independence and flexibility for both brands in their respective appearances. ImmoScout24 and AutoScout24 understand what their users are looking for - and have been doing so for more than 20 years. In the future, we will distinguish ourselves even more clearly from the competition and emphasise our leading market position."

The Scout24 Group is thus consistently further developing its brand image - while remaining true to its own roots. The new highlighter style underlines, circles and marks what is really important – just no longer in the newspaper, but on the digital surface. While ImmoScout24 will appear in light petrol in future, AutoScout24 will shine in a strong yellow. The umbrella brand Scout24 will retain its rich orange colour. However, not only the brand logos have been redesigned, but also all the brand elements such as typography, photography, illustration style, colour sets and "tone of voice" have been revised.

The new design will become visible step by step on the Scout24 Group's websites and apps. The conversion process should be completed by mid-2020. As part of the new brand identity, ImmobilienScout24 will also be renamed ImmoScout24. Most customers and users already use the popular abbreviation, which also has been the name of ImmobilienScout24's mobile app since the very beginning. It is only consequent to ensure simplicity here as well.  

Scout24 worked together with DesignStudio, a renowned brand and design agency from London, Great Britain, for the new brand identity.

Here you can already experience the new design of the Scout24 Group.

The new logos and other image material can be downloaded here. Get a glimpse into our new brand world on Youtube.

About Scout24
With our leading digital marketplaces ImmoScout24 in Germany and Austria and AutoScout24 across Europe, we are creating a networked marketplace for living and mobility. More than 1,500 employees empower our users to find their new home or their new car quickly and easily. Besides, we offer additional services, such as the brokerage of relocation services or housing and car financing. Scout24 AG is a publicly-listed stock corporation and member of the MDAX. More information on

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Scout24 AG
Jan Flaskamp
VP Marketing & Communications
Fon +49 30 24301- 0721
E-Mail: [email protected]

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