Sustainability management
A Sustainability & DEI team is responsible for all operational and strategic measures and initiatives. The team reports directly to the CPSO and to the ELT on a regular basis. The Supervisory Board is involved through regular reporting and at strategic milestones.
Another important body for implementing the sustainability strategy is our internal Sustainability Committee - a practice-oriented group consisting of managers from a wide range of business units and functions. These include, for example, Legal & Compliance, Human Resources, Procurement, Investor Relations, Accounting, Facility Management, Product and IT.
Under the leadership of Ralf Weitz (CEO) and Dr. Claudia Viehweger (CPSO), the objectives and measures of the ESG framework are defined and evaluated annually as a strategic framework. The committee is supported at an operational level by two working groups that meet regularly.
Materiality analysis 2023
The materiality analysis forms the basis for our entire sustainability management. We use it to systematically identify the topics that are relevant to us in a given year. The materiality analysis is approved by the Management Board.
Two dimensions are decisive for assessing the materiality of an issue:
- Impact of business activities on the environment, employees and society (inside-out)
- Relevance (risks and opportunities) for business performance and results as well as the Group's position (outside-in).
If a topic is significant from both perspectives, it is considered material. In the materiality analysis carried out for 2023, we also took into account selected requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
Five topics fulfill the double materiality requirement for 2023:
- environmental concerns: climate protection
- employee matters: working conditions & training, diversity & equal opportunities, data protection & data security
- consumer concerns: product responsibility and data protection & data security
The topic of "sustainable corporate governance" and the associated aspects of combating corruption and bribery, compliance and energy are currently only material in terms of their financial dimension. However, as the materiality of one of the two dimensions is already sufficient according to the ESRS, these are also dealt with in our non-financial statement.
UN Global Compact
Since 2021, Scout24 has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
In order to anchor sustainability throughout the company, we encourage all employees to use the UNGC Academy knowledge platform for their individual learning.
Responsibility in the supply chain
As a non-manufacturing company, we also take responsibility in the supply chain. By signing the UN Global Compact 2021, we have integrated the ten principles for responsible corporate governance into our Code of Conduct for business partners, suppliers and service providers. As part of our ESG framework, we have set ourselves the goal of having 80% of our existing business partners, suppliers and service providers accept our Code of Conduct by the end of 2024, based on our expenditure. Alternatively, they must confirm to us that it complies with their own requirements. Acceptance of 45% was achieved for 2023, which means we have reached our interim target.
You can find information on our grievance mechanism in our Code of Conduct
Data protection and data security
The trust of employees, customers, investors, suppliers, business partners, service providers and the general public in us and our brands is a valuable asset. As a leading digital company and operator of the ImmoScout24 online platform in Germany and Austria, data protection and security are a high priority for us and a fundamental part of the Scout24 Group's identity. Our claim is to handle the data we gather, collect, store or use responsibly and to comply with all laws relevant to Scout24 under data protection law.
You can find more information in our Data Protection Code of Conduct.
Whistleblower Protection
Scout24's central whistleblower system is available to whistleblowers who wish to report violations of legal regulations as well as compliance issues. The protection of whistleblowers is our top priority. Whistleblowers should feel safe when submitting a report and not have to fear any consequences for themselves. For this reason, we have set up a secure reporting system. Reports can be made anonymously to our trusted lawyers, but they can also be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
Whistleblowers also have the option of contacting external reporting units. However, we would like to point out that a report can be processed more effectively and directly via our central whistleblowing system.
In Germany, such external reporting centres can be found at the Federal Office of Justice, BaFin and the Federal Cartel Office. Further information on external reporting channels can be found at
In Austria, external reportings can be filed to the Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption (BAK). For further information please go to