Our ESG Framework

Our ESG framework is the strategic framework for sustainability within the Scout24 Group. With our specific ambitions, targets and KPIs for the three pillars of environment, social affairs and governance, we are committed to a high degree of transparency, a uniform understanding and, in particular, measurability and commitment. 

View ESG Framework

ESG Ratings

We actively participate in the following ESG ratings.

In May 2024, we were once again able to prove our robust ESG management with a Sustainalytics rating of 12,9. Within the peer group "Internet Software & Services" with a total of 249 other rated companies, Scout24 is currently in first place.
To the Sustainalytics Rating
Following the update in July 2024, our MSCI rating remains stable at A. We achieved a particularly good result in the area of governance.
To the MSCI Rating
Bloomberg Gender Equality Index
Bloomberg's rating assesses gender equality in companies. Scout24 is currently rated with a score of 58.19.
About Bloomberg GEI

Your contact for Sustainability

Johanna Ebbing
Director ESG, Facility & Employee Tech

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