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A Special Encounter with Astrid Lindgren, the Brothers Grimm and Co.: National Reading Aloud Day

“Once upon a time…“ these familiar words take young and old alike back to their childhood when our parents, relatives and teachers used to read to us aloud.

And it is precisely moments such as these that the National Reading Aloud Day (Vorlesetag) wants to revive. This reading festival is a joint initiative of Stiftung LESEN, DIE ZEIT and Deutsche Bahn Stiftung. The project started in 2004 with about 2,000 active readers in Germany and in the meanwhile it has gained over 110,000 participants. The aim of the event is to stimulate people’s enthusiasm  for  reading and to encourage children’s literacy in the long term.

For the past four years, many Scouts have also been leaving their laptops to read to children. On Friday, 18th November it was time again for the boys and girls in kindergartens close to our Berlin and Munich locations to listen to our Scouts telling  their favorite stories. In fact, 13 colleaguess brought books from Astrid Lindgren, the Brothers Grimm, and many more to tell those stories to over 30 children.

Looking back, the Reading Aloud Day was a great success and the children had a wonderful  afternoon with all sorts of new impressions.

Thanks again to all readers. We are already looking forward to the next National Reading Aloud Day!
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