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Meet the passionate Scouts behind the clothing donation initiative @ Scout24

Corporate Social Responsibility has many faces at Scout24. The company’s social commitment is always driven by passionate colleagues. Two Scouts (on the photo: Ulrike Moock on the left and Claudia Barby on the right) talk about their work and the clothing donation initiative that has become a tradition at Scout24.

Hello you two, who are you and what are you doing at Scout24?

Ulrike Moock:I am Ulli and work at Scout24 as Senior Product Manager within the Customer Platform. Together with my team, I manage the customer master data and the checkout of ImmobilienScout24, which includes the contract master data and the payment methods.

Claudia Barby: I am Claudia and also Senior Product Manager of the Customer Platform. My team and I are responsible for the insertion flow in the backend of ImmoblienScout24, as well as for larger parts of the Scoutmanager. This is the login area for our commercial customers.

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In addition to your work as Product Managers, you are also the main persons responsible for the clothing donation initiative in the Berlin office of Scout24. How did this happen?

Ulrike Moock:We have both been involved in the so-called Cares Team at ImmobilienScout24 for several years. Each member of this team takes on social projects related to the company. I have been supporting the clothing donation for years and for Claudia, who has just returned from parental leave, it was her first project after her return to the Cares Team.

Since when has Scout24 been organising clothing donations and how exactly does the campaign work?

Claudia Barby:The clothing donation has been one of Scout24’s social initiatives since 2012. About twice a year, our Scouts comb through their wardrobes and collect clothes and other useful items such as bags and sleeping bags. We then donate these to charities such as Caritas or GEBEWO’s Seeling Treff. 

Why is this action so important to you?

Claudia Barby:Almost every day we see homeless people, refugees or socially disadvantaged families who need our support. On the other hand, we have people who can afford to buy new clothes regularly. Before well-preserved clothes are thrown away because the wardrobe is bursting at the seams, we prefer to donate them. 

Ulrike Moock:This is where two needs meet: people who cannot afford new clothes themselves are supported with clothing donations and we promote sustainability in the context of recycling and waste avoidance.

And how is the campaign received by the other Scouts?

Ulrike Moock:They regularly ask the Cares Team about the next campaign. The demand is very high and the number of clothes boxes collected is immense every time. We are very happy about this great commitment of our Scouts!
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